Going to be bluntly honest with you good people.
Today was awful.
Some of you may put me in my place and remind me it could be worse - I'm not dying, right? But today and the last couple weeks have been a struggle and never-ending uphill climb for me. I dealt with a case of mono that kicked my butt one week and then kept me out of school and work another. I'm still dealing with some symptoms that include weakness in my arms and legs, shakes in my hands, and then random fuzziness in my brain that makes it super hard for me to focus. (Or, maybe I just need to go get glasses ordered already.) And I'm still behind in the classes I missed that one week.
But why am I telling ya'll this?
Because of an important discussion that was held in my ARTED208 class, and a small subject we talked on - identities in today's society. Granted, that is a broad statement of what we discussed because if I was to give a step by step guide on how we got from Point A to Point G, I'm going to lose you lovely ladies and gents.
It was that topic that made me contemplate my own personal online identity. My assumption is that I probably don't know 90% of the people reading this. Perhaps more. And perhaps, I do know you very well which means shoutout to you! But, my online identity is only a partial, and mostly Cindellerized version of my life. You will probably see very little Facebook statuses from me complaining about how much I hate someone, or how hard was today (it could always be worse). And, even though it's nice to post all the good, sugar and spice, frou frou of the going ons in my everyday life, it's really not an honest depiction. And, more ironically, honesty is something I value and appreciate in people.
So time for that honesty. Today was awful. To the point where my body started to shake, and I could feel I was about to burst into tears and feel the overwhelming crippling effect of a short term anxiety attack. Yay me, right? And while I could have succumbed to that awful feeling that I thankfully don't get as much anymore, and could have planned to skip my last class of the day and go home and sleep, I took a mindful moment and have...slightly, put everything in prospective.
I came home, yes. But, I didn't crawl into bed and pray for the waves of emotions to pass. I decided I was going to write an article on my blog because, this does relate to my journey of teaching and once I finished that blog post, I was going to work on ***************. This relates to my journey of becoming a teacher because I'm in college, college is going to get me a degree, and that degree will get me a job.
Haha, that's a very vague statement of why this relates. But really.
School now, is going to get me into a school later. And my journey isn't going to be all dandelions and confetti bursts. So, every now and again, I'll post about an awful day, I'll take a moment to compose myself, and move on down the road that is going to make it possible for me to teach and impact children someday.
And in the end, HOW COOL IS THAT.
************* indicates a secret thing I'm making in case said person reads this blog - don't want to ruin the surprise!
:) interessada