Monday, September 26, 2016

Physical Development

Chapter 3 of my textbook is proving very interesting!

That, and my kitten is currently trying to eat my fingers while I type.  No, this isn't some tiny kitten.  This is a fluffy, teenager cat that basically is going through an "angst" stage and wanting to eat every and anything that moves.

Ew.  His nose is wet.

Are you short or tall?  Thin or heavy?  Did you go through puberty early or late?  How have these factors affected your development as a person?

I am an individual that falls within the "short" category by 1".  I would say I am average, if not on the thin side.  Definitely not heavy or overweight.  I went through puberty at a young age, but also did not develop in other areas until college - and that was also due to gaining weight.

It was definitely hard because even though in sixth grade we talked about periods and our bodies changing, I had teachers give me a hard time when I asked to go to the bathroom at the same time every day for a week.  I didn't want to go to change the products in between recess because that meant people might see what I was doing.  It was difficult having teachers not be there to help you.  It was also tough that I go my period earlier than everyone else, but I didn't develop any breasts.

Having boys call you, "2x4, flat as a board" literally from 7th to 12th grade, was awful.  It impacted me in such a way, that when I got to college and boys showed interest in me, I dismissed it because why would they like me?  I don't have boobs.  There were a couple that I'd flat out ask them, and they were very confused because "boobs aren't everything."  It was great to have some young men that were maturing enough not to be focusing completely on one body part, but it was awful because I still wonder if I'm good enough - based off the idea I'm not pretty if I don't have a cup size over a C.

I think it was hard because having my period sooner than everyone made me kind of serious.  I was dealing with body pain before everyone else.  I was dealing with the embarrassment of trying to hide a tampon in my sleeve.  I was gaining the understanding of what having a period meant for my body, and that thought - that I could have kids now, was terrifying.

Overall, I think puberty made me develop mentally faster, while my body was.  My indicated that my body was "now a woman," and with that I felt I needed to become a grown up.  It was also hard that by acting more mature and serious than others my age, they became annoyed with me.

It's really cool for me to come to college though and be able to take a step back and learn about what is and isn't important in life.  And be able to pick the people you actually want to hang out with, haha.  My graduating class was 42, so you really don't get much of choice.

There it is! My reflections for Ed Psych!

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