Saturday, November 11, 2017

11/11/17 5:00am

I know I'm using this blog to record my journey into teaching (sorry that I've been doing such a poor job lately), but I am also going to be using it to record my dreams.  Haha, I mean, nightmares.  I suffer from chronic nightmares.  I will always wake up at least once every night, but there are times where I'll wake up every hour.  The nightmares have been with me since I was little, and have gotten worse as I have become an adult.  Hopefully, by recording them I can take time to look back and assess them to figure out what is causing them and therefore - find a way to nix them in the butt.

I used to wake up from my nightmares at very specific times.  3:00am-3:30am was the classic time.  Maybe my REM cycle is just a butt and is set on a clockwork, I don't know.  This early morning, I woke up at 5:00am.

In the nightmare, I had discovered a dead girl buried in the sand the surrounds a slide at a playground.  She hadn't been decomposing.  More so looked frozen in time.  I remember a man (supposedly playing the role of my father) came up and wrapped her in a blanket to load her in the back of the truck.  We didn't call the authorities.  In the nightmare, I snuck out of my bedroom in the middle of the night to take a peak at the dead girl.  Somehow, I knew that this was some missing girl, but I didn't understand why "my father" didn't call the police.  (Probably because he killed her, eh?) 

This is where the dream got really freaky.  As I was pulling the blanket away, her eyes shot open and she bolted upright.  She grabbed my face and from her mouth spewed thousands of little black bugs that looked like gnats - pouring into my mouth and down my throat into my belly.  She whispered, "You're mine."  And disappeared. 

For the rest of the dream, I kept seeing her everywhere I went.  In the shadows, in a far corner of the room, behind a tree staring at me.  And she wasn't so "frozen in time" looking now.  Instead, she looked like an old hag.  Her skin wrinkled and sagging immensely.  Her fingers long and boney with dirty, yellow nails that looked more like claws. 

I think the only happy thing that happened in the dream was that the farm I was living on had about five beautiful dogs.  A couple were Newfies, there was a Cocker Spaniel, a Border Collie, and a Saint Bernard.  So....that's good, right? LOL

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